With gas prices being as expensive as they are, many people are doing really crazy things. They think they're saving money but really they are just wasting their time and money.
I think having a ton of bumper stickers on a car makes it look really trashy and plus, it's just ugly in my opinion. I love reading them, I must admit; but to do that to my car... I can't even imagine!
I think it's great for storage but to actually sleep in it would really freak me out. There are always way too many spiders in my garage for me to go anywhere near it without a very good reason:shocked:
There are a few games that I really enjoy lately and there are:
Dead Space 1 and 2
League of Legends
That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but they are really great games that never seem to get old for me.
How many cars do you have? Do you want more? If so, when do you think you'll be able to afford them? My fiancé is all about getting as many cars as we can afford. He loves working on cars.
My fiancé is all for getting a bike. He wants one because it's always been a dream of his and also because he wants to save money on gas. How can I convince him that it's not something we need?
I've been listening to the radio a lot more lately and it's been nice. I didn't realize how many new songs were out there. I've really been missing out!
I can't believe how many things keep going wrong with our cars. I keep thinking that this is the last thing and then all of a sudden, something else happens. I don't know what to do! This is super expensive!:shocked:
I know people who seem to think it's cool to get a ticket, but I'm personally not one of those people. I think I would cry if I were ever to get a ticket because it would be a big disappointment for myself.
I've always been really lucky with gas. I've come extremely close to running out of gas but it's never actually happened to me. I don't know if I'm just lucky or if it's because I keep semi-good track of my gas. Not sure.
You know, I've been really lucky when it comes to this. All that's happen to me, is the symbol has been stolen off the front of one of my cars. No biggie though, it could have been much worse.
I know people who do this as a hobby and I think it's a great way to stay busy and keep your mind going. My fiancé is thinking about doing this when we have extra money in the future:high5:
I'm pretty sure you're going to have to get it painted for it to match up properly. I think this is a great idea. When you are done, you should really post a picture :) I'm curious how it looks!
I personally let everyone drink and eat in the car because I mean, it's really easy to have the interior cleaned if I need to. I have pets too though, so that may have something to do with it.
Sadly, right now, we don't have a garage at all and I'm constantly worried about our cars. We have had a lot of trouble in this area and people breaking into cars. I hope we can get a place soon.
I'm pretty sure they are. The reason behind that is because all colors need to be the same so when people see them, they associate them with the correct action. It's kinda dumb in my opinion but I guess there must be a good reason behind it.
I can't believe how expensive gas is right now! I don't know how people can even afford to get to and from work each day. It's just ridiculous and so upsetting. How can people survive to live?!
I really want to get a two car garage when we get a new house because it would be great to have extra room for storage as well. I have seen so many houses around with two and even three-car garages.
This is the same reason my fiancé wants to get a motorcycle. He really wants to get rid of these stupid gas prices and only have to put like half the amount of gas in the car for him to get to and from work.
I personally love Rain-X and I can't imagine there are people that can live without it. When our windshield wipers were broken for a while, we had to only use this product and it worked amazingly!:smile: