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  1. D


    My grandfather has a really really twisted sense of humor, and when I was nearing my teen years, he thought it funny to feed everyone coleslaw, marinated pork ribs, bean salad.... and my immediate family facing a 10 hour drive home the next day. The car needed an air freshener in the worst way...
  2. D

    Hit and Run

    Yes, and more than once: I found my one set of wheels horribly messed up in the staff parking lot where I worked, and because of that (juvie facility next door) the cops had to be involved. It's a pain in the neck, but some folks just have no conscience.
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    OK, it's been a LOONNNNNGGGG time since I was on a motorcycle, and while it's been so long, I'm still aware of what's going on around me as regards the machines. I keep seeing people on motorcycles with 'beanie' helmets, and naked arms. I was taught that you don't ride unless you're...
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    No coleslaw, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, pork, bean, before a long car trip.... skip the beer, too: hard-learned lesson, but the memories are almost and um, 'pungent' now as when they were first made. :(
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    Cash for Clunkers

    Some of the local dealerships do "push, pull, or drag" sales, whereby an old vehicle is guaranteed $1500 on trade in on a new or used vehicle ... and I'm all for it.
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    TVs in the car

    Not a clue, but I do know that a portable dvd player was in a pal's arsenal for road trips going back almost 10 years now (and they weren't cheap back then). Those 10 hour road-trips my folks used to haul us on were lessons in patience and self-entertainment; today's kids, well, we make sure...
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    What about electric cars?

    You must live near a major city center, coup, because those are the only places electric vehicles are showing up: IN major city centers. Seattle is a good example of why electric cars are having a hard time catching on, too: a lot of folks live in the surrounding small towns, and commute (hwy...
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    Just wanting to help?

    We've done better than that.... We had a pal that was in desperate need of wheels, and I had an old Dodge sitting out back... it ran well, but I had newer, more gas economical wheels for my use. We sold Dude the car, legally, for a buck.
  9. D

    Why don't new cars have cigarette lighters?

    I would also hope that taking the lighters out of cars would mean people would (at least) think twice about lighting up in a car/vehicle with kiddies in it.... Every time I see someone smoking in a vehicle with kids in it, it's all I can do not to Rambo on the driver's head.
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    Flooding Damage

    Most insurance companies will simply write the vehicle off, in such instances: it's the more cost and time effective option, in most cases. If there's a mechanic in him, yep, it's possible... unless it's salt water, and then it's a completely different tale to tell.
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    Flip flops while driving?

    I know that law exists in California... and while it makes little sense to me, Vrroom 1972 explains quite nicely why flip-flops aren't the best to drive in, in the first place. Some of the shoes women choose to drive in, boggle my mind.... they're hard enough to walk in, now you're going to...
  12. D

    Cassette deck works...

    My one set of wheels is from the mid90's, and has a cassette deck in it that is actually working (as well as a CD player). Every tape I've put into the machines in the house has been eaten in recent times... do I dare risk that happening to the cassette deck in my wheels ?
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    Emissions testing

    I know this exists in CA, and in one or two parts of Canada... and it's apparently a great way to help Mother Nature and cut green house gasses. What's your take on tail pipe and emissions testing?
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    How old is too old?

    I'm curious - if it was to be a second family vehicle, how old is TOO old for you to consider when it comes to a used vehicle? It's 2011, and one of our rides is a 96....
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    Who uses the "plus" level gas?

    I run a tank of 'the good stuff' periodically, my current ride is a little older and tends to knock a bit on regular gas. The current prices are a bit of a deterrent, I admit, and I'm certainly misering my time on the road whenever I possibly can.
  16. D

    Saltwater bad for your paint?

    Road salt encourages corrosion, and not just in wheel wells, either. Exposed sections of frame, tail pipe assemblies.... aluminum alloys really don't like it.... Yes, if you want your wheels to last, washing the road salt off of it regularly is mandatory.
  17. D

    Good laugh

    I received an email from a friend, speaking of a classic car he was thinking of buying... but it's got a carb, and he speaks fuel-injection. Carbs are easier, in my opinion, to fix yourself, even if there less fuel-efficient. Carbs were on their way out when he was a kid, and because both...
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    Analog or Digital dash?

    Digital dashboards are not a bad thing, necessarily: a single wire can kill a digital or analogue dash. I like my gauges analogue, or a 'combination' of digital and analogue. I tend to mind the tachometer even in an automatic.
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    Leather jackets

    Dedicated riders are now wearing Kevlar more than leather, up where I am. It fares better when a bike goes down & does a better job of protecting skin in a slide, and is being manufactured to look like a pair of jeans. Then again, I saw one enthusiast with the entire ensemble, including the...
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    What to consider?

    Four members .... so 2 children.... +2, because they're going to want to take a friend along, before too long... so you actually need seating for five or six. Most cars and multi-use vehicles today can seat five, most mini-vans and similar vehicles seat seven. Stick or no? does it matter...