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  1. C

    Well, I've Killed Another One

    Ouch! I've never hit a deer and I'm glad! I see a ton where I live but I'm super careful. It's like your vehicle is a deer magnet. I never really thought those deer finders worked but they do?
  2. C

    Shiny without wax

    I hate to wax my vehicles, I hate the feel of it. Is there a way to get your car shiny without waxing it all the time? Doesn't wax actually hurt the paint if you are constantly waxing it?
  3. C

    Car payments

    Who has a car payment here? I'm not looking forward to my next car payment. I have paid my car off within the last year and I don't want another one. Who has one? Is it as much as your mortgage?
  4. C

    How long do u keep a car?

    I keep them for a long time. I have had this car for 6 years now and I'm going to keep it until it's dead. I hate car payments so I try to keep them as long as I can.
  5. C

    Gender bias, alive and well

    Don't you just hate that - although I did not think $25 sounded that bad did it? I am glad when a woman speaks up! Hello it's 2010- women do know something right! Hope you found a better deal!
  6. C


    Man I'm seeing limo's all over the place now. I swear you want to go to the movies you hire a limo to take you. Ever rode in a limo? What is the big deal? I've never rode in one.
  7. C

    Clear Coat Problems

    Weather I am guessing. Do you live where they use salt for the roads? Could this be causing the clear coat to wear off? I would take it in and get more put on before you get a rust problem.
  8. C

    Summer is winding down

    Summer is winding down and that means school will be starting up soon. I love the lazy days of summer, I love the coolness of fall too. Do you have any road trips or any fun plans for the end of the summer?
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    Young drivers

    I don't think it's only young drivers. There are a lot of bad drivers out there that just don't care. I know a lot of young drivers that are very careful and would not have driven too quick at all.
  10. C


    My friends car is not working properly. We got pulled over by a cop and they said we were going 80. The speedometer showed 65. The cop didn't believe us of course. How can this be fixed? Is it an easy fix or does it require going into the shop?
  11. C

    Alligator under a car in NYC!

    Holy cripe! That is awesome. I would have freaked too if I saw it. Thankfully it wasn't in the car only under it. Can you imagine going to get into the car and seeing it slither out!
  12. C

    Driving Style

    I'm a fast driver unless it's nasty outside. If it's nasty outside you will see me going really slow with a big line of cars behind me. I'm ok with that! I tend to weave in and out of traffic if I am in a hurry.
  13. C

    Shakes when going fast

    I would probably start by looking at the tires. Be sure there is proper air in them and that they are not worn uneven. If this isn't it, then you can look at the struts and other things.
  14. C

    Smoke hole in seat

    How can you fix a smoke hole (burn hole) in the seat? I don't know how but I have a hole in the back seat. I don't smoke and no one does in my family, so it must have been a friend. How do I fix it?
  15. C

    Car so messy

    My car gets messy from my own crap, I don't need others in it too. Tell them to get it out. I would keep the spare clothes in though, in case you need them for that little girl.
  16. C

    Winter- and ignition wouldn't turn

    Ever had this problem when you put your key in the ignition but you could not get the key to turn? It happened to me about a year ago. I tried everything. I called my father in law and he said to try a hair dryer. I plugged it in and took it out and after about 10 minutes the key turned and...
  17. C

    Singing in the car

    I love to sing and I love to sing when I'm in the car. My daughter and I will turn the music up and sing to the top of our lungs when a good song comes on. A lot of her friends are like... man your mom is cool! Do you do this?
  18. C

    Radios too loud

    I always turn my radio down when I enter a populated area. I also turn it down when I'm in a parking lot. I do tend to have the music really loud most other times. I love my music loud and I sing a lot too.
  19. C

    All my cars are retired!

    Oh no... what does that mean about your choice of vehicles? Kidding of course. I don't think I've had any that are retired yet. Can you still get parts for your current vehicle?
  20. C

    How to repair fiberglass bodyparts

    I don't think I would put metal on it if it's fiberglass. You can buy the repair kits like others have said. I think metal would look funny and be hard to mold into shape.