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    Doing our part

    Oh that was the term I was looking for! CARBON FOOTPRINT. We really should lessen our carbon footprint in the world today. Get on a carpool or get on your bike.
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    GPS - how often do you use this?

    I have a routine that is about as boring as meatloaf Mondays. I go to the shop, then go home. I do not even bring the kids to school. That is my wife's route. I have GPS in my car but it has not been used this year hahahaha. Do you always use your GPS?
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    Bubble Gum In Carpet

    What a sticky dilemma I would say. LOL. There is always the ice method or the peanut butter method (which for me is messier coz you gotta deal with the pb afterward lol). There is also what I call the garage method which is zap it with some WD40 and then let it soak for about 20 mins. It should...
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    "Your car is so shiney"

    Five star is great! Even the navy uses it to keep their radars in tiptop shape. It actually REPELS water and other elements from hurting the paint of your car.
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    Heya ginger! My wife is a ginger too! Do you have Irish roots like her? What about the infamous irish temper? Oi! Very notorious indeed!
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    Air Fresheners

    Glade is pretty popular and they have a lot of scents to choose from. Just make sure that your air fresheners do not make you sleepy or distract you from focusing on what you are doing.
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    Chip in the windshield

    It started with just a chip in the corner of his windshield. He did not have it fixed immediately. A month later my cousin figured in an accident wherein his windshield just cracked all over and gave him zero visibility WHILE DRIVING ON THE FREEWAY AT NIGHT! His wife made it but he did not....
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    Doing our part

    Well, if you are still driving diesel or gas-fueled cars, I suggest that you get regular car check-ups at your friendly neighborhood garages so that your car is not emitting harmful greenhouse gases into the environment.
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    Oil type?

    That is actually true THEN but now with the newer engines you can change oil brands or even mix oil brands. With the newer engines, it is usually a thinner oil though so watch out for that.
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    how to gap your spark plugs

    This procedure is needed so that you are ensured of maximum performance for your car. First you have to take the old plugs off. Then take the wires off. Clean everything off the plug and the connections. Measure the distance and double check your car manual for the actual measurement needed...
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    Spark plugs

    Woopsie! I am sorry. This was a double posting. Please forgive me I am new to this forum thing. Still learning the ropes. Thanks for understanding, folks!
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    Spark plugs

    Gape? Do you mean gap? Gapping your spark plugs actually means setting the gap before resetting your plugs. This gap is the distance electricity arcs from the electrode on the ground to the center electrode.
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    Helmet or Not?

    Please wear one. I know what I am talking about. I lost my youngest brother to a motorcycle accident. He was not wearing a helmet. They said that had he been wearing one, he would not have had injuries THAT serious.
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    New car

    My answer to this question is that it really depends on how you use your current car. I have seen cars that are 10 years old but they are in better condition than those 2 years old with another person.
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    I am new here. I love cars. Mostly worked in garages since getting out of high school. Would love to share what I know to others. No charge too!