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  1. C

    Hay ride

    It sounds like a lot of people enjoy this! I know we did. I can't wait to be able to go out again. I have seen some advertisements in the local paper for a local pumpkin patch (hayrides to and from the patch). My kids have been bugging me to take them there.
  2. C

    Mud on carpets

    I don't think I would leave a ceramic heater in the car overnight. Isn't that dangerous? I was thinking of the hair blow dryer actually - although it sounds like it would take a long time. Thanks for the tips!
  3. C

    Run your car on water

    I never heard anything like this but I find it very interesting. The government won't let them spend money to figure it out because so many of them have some stock in the oil companies.
  4. C

    How do you negotiate with a dealer?

    That is smart Jason. I just do a lot of research online and go in armed with details and facts. Most of the time the sales people try to sweet talk you into a higher price. I have walked out of many dealerships because they would not work with me.
  5. C

    How about ATV's?

    My 4-wheeler brakes are acting up (grabbing most of the time now). I thought maybe some mechanical people here might know what to look for, a starting point to fixing them?
  6. C

    Mud on carpets

    We went out today to a corn field and it was pretty wet. I know I can shampoo the carpet but it's cold out now and I don't know how to get it to dry quick. I have had the problem with a musty smell before from a too wet too long carpet.
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    I would not be messing with your friends car to make it feel better. I don't notice anything between my automatic and standard. You just might have to get used to it.
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    Radars can tell you when something is coming? I thought they just told you where cop cars were? I must be thinking of the wrong thing.
  9. C

    Hay ride

    Went for my first hay ride today! Fall is most certainly here. I could not believe the # of idiot drivers that wanted to pass us. We were way out in the country and there were a lot of cars.
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    I think they are stupid too - they just look so crazy. What is the point of them really? I mean they can't be for looks are they look stupid? What are they protecting? The paint?
  11. C

    Chrysler workers in TROUBLE

    Oh no- no wonder so many cars are coming out with problems... no seriously it is a problem but I wonder how many other factory type jobs have the same issues. I could probably think of a lot of them.
  12. C

    How in the world?

    I've never had any luck with gum, usually I try to freeze it and then pull it off. Most times I ended up cutting it out. I know not what you wanted to hear right? What a mess.
  13. C

    Self-Driving Cars? Arrived.

    Oh my- I can't wait to see these in real life. It's like the Jetson days! I had always hoped that sometime in my lifetime we would have vehicles like this. Just program in where you want to go and sit back and relax!
  14. C

    Bicycle storage

    I have a really hard time transporting my bikes to and from places when I'm driving the car. Anyone have any bike rack? What kind and can you put them on a car?
  15. C

    Tractor in the parade

    My daughters class asked me to pull their float in the homecoming parade. I was all excited thinking they loved my truck until they said can you pull it with your tractor! :heh:
  16. C

    Back speakers don't work

    My buddies back speakers in his car aren't working. The funny thing is they work one minute and the next they don't. They just cut right out. We have checked all the wired and they seem to be fine. Any tips on what to look at next?
  17. C

    Two wheels?

    This post was great! I wondered how the bike came about too. So I'm guessing it was the bicycle first and then a motorcycle (of course because the wheel was before the motor).
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    Now that just stinks! I have had mice climb into my lawnmowers when they sat over the winter but they never messed with my vehicles or my bike. Man I would be furious!
  19. C

    Manual vs Automatic

    I can drive a stick shift and automatic. I love them both! I think with the stick shift you have more control in the snow and ice. I also think automatics are great too because you just put it in gear and go.
  20. C


    Isn't it a great feeling to be able to hoe things out. I need to work on my closets! I just cleaned out my car last week. It looked great for a few days. I swear some days it looks like we live in the car.