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  1. M

    More than one insurance company?

    We switched once, because we kept hearing that the company we were with was dropping people left and right, and we didn't want to take a chance on that, so we switched.
  2. M

    Increasing gas mileage

    Other than a standard tuneup, which helps when it's due, what can be done to increase a vehicle's gas mileage? With gas so expensive, I want to do all I can!
  3. M

    How small...

    I LOVE little cars, but I need more seats than that these days. I'm trying to get my son to get himself something like a Jeep - so I can drive it sometimes!
  4. M

    Regular service saves you money

    This article from an Australian newspaper talks about how keeping your car serviced at recommended times can help save you money in the long run. It makes sense, because a vehicle that is maintained properly will logically stay in good running order and will cost less in major repairs.
  5. M

    No car allowed

    Yeah, there's no way we could ever get rid of all driving for a week, unless some sort of EMP made driving impossible - and that would be close to being an apocalypse or something! LOL
  6. M

    How warm does it have to be?

    If you try to do it when the temperature is under 50, the wax is likely to fog up and cake, and then you'll have to start fresh, and removing that wax can be a pain!
  7. M

    Ugh! Car lot harassment

    That is so depraved. It is sad where this world has gotten! Dodge Doll, that is pretty funny, that you managed to out-do your boss. Which of you ended up leaving the job?
  8. M

    When did you started driving?

    I started when I got my permit at 16. The state in which I lived at the time didn't allow early permits. Where I live now, they do, so my son got his at 15.
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    Japan shut downs

    Are they local to the devastation? If they're some distance away, that could explain the delay in the suspension of production. They may have been hoping to continue business as usual, only to find it impossible.
  10. M

    Octane vs fuel economy

    We use the lowest grade and it does fine. Actually, one of my vehicles works with the E-85, which is usually about fifteen cents cheaper than standard unleaded.
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    Car Color & Insurance Premiums

    I did some research on this several years ago. Red was definitely a cause for higher insurance (and a greater chance of being pulled over). I'm not sure if any of the other colors affect rates. I suspect "flames" would probably be a cause for higher premiums also!
  12. M

    Difference in Driving Position

    That would be difficult. Maybe try keeping your foot closer to the "wall" on the right? Usually the pedal is within reach of the wall, and that would keep you farther from the brake.
  13. M

    Loud Bass

    I think that people who impose their music on others (to the point where it overwhelms one's own music inside one's own car) should be fined for disturbing the peace or something! It's rude and uncalled for.
  14. M

    Delivery drivers

    In my experience, delivery drivers have always been just a little bit crazy. My first speeding ticket happened because I was following a delivery truck and before I realized it, I was speeding. By the time I DID realize it, it was too late.
  15. M

    Waving Does NOT Make you Immune!

    Yep. If they would crack down on jaywalking, there would be a lot less of it. Where I live, there are enough crosswalks that there is really no excuse for jaywalking!
  16. M

    My son's motorcycle's back tire

    Several months ago, my son got the back tire replaced on his bike. About a month ago, it started leaking air. It appears to be around the spokes. He paid extra to have a tube put in it. Is there an easy way to find out if they actually put in a tube or not?
  17. M

    Working on my own car

    Used to be, I could do anything that needed to be done to my own car. Now, half the stuff "has to be done by a dealer or qualified mechanic." When did that change? It seems it changed gradually, or people would've protested.
  18. M

    Stuck with a dull finish?

    Waxing your vehicle should bring back some of the shine (and protect the remaining finish). Of course, repainting would perk it up, but that can definitely be pricey.
  19. M

    Who is at fault?

    Of course, there is also the possibility that the judge will say that the driver was not responsible, as you suggest, but that the company was, and therefore the company must pay the fine. It seems to me that the company could save a lot of face by just footing the bill.
  20. M

    Green car wash

    Man, I hate it when news sites don't list their location (or maybe I just missed it)... but somewhere there is a car wash that is as green as possible. They include recycling water, and some other green innovations.