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  1. H

    The parking nightmares

    I have actually gotten to the point where I don't even care anymore! My boyfriend was driving my car and hit a post when he parked. I was like okay, he was more freaked out then I was.
  2. H

    Drive in?

    I think if any of us would have even thought about it we would have taken the truck so we could sit in the back and lay down or we would have brought lawn chairs. It was fun but not very comfy.
  3. H

    Drive in?

    I haven't been to the drive in in ages, probably since I was about 6, but I went with some friends recently and it was not as fun as I remember. We had to use the car radio to pick up the sound of the movie and it was so uncomfortable trying to watch a double feature in the car. Granted we...
  4. H

    Foreign vs Domestic

    I am just playing Devil's advocate here but would you or have you ever bought a foreign car? If so why did you buy it? Is the quality as good as they make it out to be. Do you think it is going against the grain to buy foreign in this time of economic uncertainty where tens of thousands of...
  5. H

    Cash for Clunkers

    There aren't that many cars left that would qualify anyway under the old programs restrictions. I don't think it would work. I think they blew their wad so to speak getting all these people in at once to buy new cars and now not many people are in the market for one or have the money for one.
  6. H

    Darn sliding doors!

    Ouch! That sounds really quite painful! Did you have to get any stitches or anything? I can imagine you are getting weird looks with a cut and a shiner! You will have to come up with a really good story like a bar fight or something.
  7. H

    Car payments

    I do not have a car payment, I made my last one last November and I am loving not having one. I will not be buying a new or new old car any time soon. I am enjoying having that extra $300 a month.
  8. H

    Young drivers

    Texting and driving is newly illegal in my state and I think it's a good thing. As if kids aren't distracted easily enough! I am glad that your sister and her husband were unharmed but it really sucks that they are without a car.
  9. H

    Car accidents cost 100 Billion annually!

    I think it really stinks that they jack up your rates when you are accident free for so long. I think insurance companies rip everyone off for sure, but unfortunately we have to carry it.
  10. H

    Car on a lease is dying

    I agree try the junk yards, but if you are unable to find a motor you can still part it out and sell the parts then sell the body to the scrap yard. I know my brother got $500 from his old car he took in that couldn't be repaired.
  11. H

    Car accidents cost 100 Billion annually!

    I never would have thought that auto accidents were this expensive, but apparently a government study (which can be found here discovered that each licensed driver in the US pays $500 per year because of them for a total cost of $100...
  12. H

    Car so messy

    Rockett, that made me laugh so hard! I wish someone would leave a shop vac in there I could use one. Maybe a weedwacker too!
  13. H

    ABS brake light on

    I recently took my car to the shop for some wiring issues and to get my brakes fixed. Now my ABS dummy light is on and won't go off. Is this something that will go off on it's own or does it need to be reset by the shop or dealership?
  14. H

    So frustrated and annoyed!

    That really stinks! Was there a lot of damage done? Hopefully you weren't injured in the accident. Did you get a ticket or anything? I hope it all works out ok.
  15. H

    Radios too loud

    I agree, if I am cruising down the freeway I will crank it up but I have some respect when going through a neighborhood and don't force others to listen to my music!
  16. H

    All my cars are retired!

    Yes we can still get parts but they get more expensive because they are rarer. On the upside a lot of parts can be had at the junk yard!
  17. H

    Car so messy

    Oh goodness that stinks! I would tell everyone to get their stuff out! That would just drive me crazy but I am a neat freak too. I detail my car once a week.
  18. H

    Heat stuck on!

    Gosh I have no idea! Is that something that would be in the owners manual or that I could find online? Or is it maybe something I could easily locate without taking it to a shop?
  19. H

    Trailer races

    Wow that does sound like it would be interesting to watch! I might have to see if there are any of those near me. I wonder where I would even start to look?
  20. H

    All my cars are retired!

    My very first car was a Pontiac 600 which they quit making shortly after I got it. My second car was a Ford Tempo which I bought in the last model year. After an accident, I got a Pontiac Grand Prix and now the entire Pontiac line has been retired! The two I have now are a Blazer that got...